Year Of Projects: week 6

Craftingwise, this week has been both very eventful and very uneventful – uneventful in the sense that I can only measure progress in terms of fixing previous mistakes, but eventful as it was a lot of work, and I learned an awful lot, all to do with weaving, which is my current and not that transient crafting obsession!

I mentioned in last week’s update that I had found a serious mistake in my warp, basically tension was off, and by a good measure, I found out later.

When you look up info on how to fix this, the overwhelming consensus seems to be: don’t try. After having gone through it, I can see why! It did take me a good 5-6 evenings to undo and re-do my warping, but spurred on by the thought of the money I would have otherwise sunk into this project (there’s over 5km yarn in that warp!) and by the excellent advice and encouragement received on Ravelry (see this thread), eventually I managed to unroll and re-beam my warp (I’ve described the process here for future reference, though I do hope I will never ever have to refer to it!)

Now this did have some rewards, as I did manage to weave a bit, and here are the first two repeats of the pattern!

It is a reversible fabric, once I’ve woven some more the other side should be visible on the cloth beam (the one at the front of the loom), which will become a reversible casual men summer jacket, though the recipient has now been told that in spite having started on this back at the beginning of July, of course I meant summer 2021! 😜

It is woven using a technique called “overshot patterned doubleweave”, and amazingly for double weave, it can be woven on a four shaft loom, or at least in principle on a rigid heddle loom with three heddles. Why “amazingly”? With doubleweave you weave two layers of the cloth at the same time: you can make a double wide piece, extending the capacity of your loom; you can make a tube, for a pillow say; you can exchange layers, and you can do loads of other things (check out Jennifer Moore’s “Doubleweave: Reviesed and Expanded” to see all the amazing weaves doubleweave enables you to do). However each layer needs two shafts, which means you can’t weave anything more complex than plain weave. But with this “overshot pattenred doubleweave” technique, you get mileage from picking up threads from the bottom layer, which adds to the patterning abilities.

If you aren’t a weaver all the above will probably come across as gibberish – but I still hope you’ll agree that woven cloth is looking great (for which I claim no merit, see the November 2018 issue of Heddlecraft, which is where I took it from). Happy week!

This is a year of projects (YOP) update. YOP is a Ravelry Group, and an idea – make a plan for the year ahead for all your fibre activities, then update your blog every week if you manage. The objective is to keep track of progress on any fiber crafts with maximum flexibility: post, don’t post, follow your list, change it – so really it is just an opportunity to get to know of more blogs and activities of those who share a passion for anything fibre crafts. My YOP graphics “nicked” with thanks from Backstageknits!

Author: lovestoswatch

I used to knit as a girl, then hanged the needles for two/three decades, and now I’m back, and loving it! The photo is my version of Linda Marveng's Aki, the first proper project after "being born again". After getting back into knitting, weaving has also become my passion (with a little sewing to turn my handweaving into garments).

23 thoughts on “Year Of Projects: week 6”

  1. I am not a weaver so no did not understand that! However, the fabric is looking amazing and for a non-weaver seems worth the multiple nights of fixing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That pattern is lovely! I cannot wait to see the finished product. I’m not a weaver so I don’t understand the language, but the fabrics are beautiful to look at!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh, you should just let the temptation overcome you – I could also tell you that it is a much faster way to go through stash, which is what I thought, but that would be a very very big lie!


  3. I am not a weaver but find reading about it fascinating. I am glad you were able to salvage all your fiber. The fabric is gorgeous and the fact it is double sided is a big plus.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz, you make me blush!

      On the otherside, yes indeed, I made some more progress yesterday, and the “negative” of the pattern is now showing on the clothbeam (because of the way this rolls on the table loom, you get to see the back too). It is slow going because you need two pick for each rown, plus it is 7m of weaving! But I am enjoying it, very much.
      I think at least some patterns can be done on the rigid heddle loom with this technique. I will be away from the table loom for a few weeks, but the rigid heddle loom will be with me, and I’ll see if I come up with a RHL version. It would expand its capabilites quite a bit!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I am not a weaver but I have watched podcasts of weavers. Let’s face it…..when you are a creative type it’s very unusual that you only do one creative thing. I’m so sorry you had to go through all that to fix it but you did really good and your perseverance paid off! Plus, your fabric is gorgeous!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you Sandra – and I guess to really learn we dol need setbacks to recover from, or at least telling myself this is how I was trying to comfort myself 😜


  5. I am so completely lost as I read about your weaving, but boy do I love seeing your beautiful designs. You just keep writing in weaver speak and I’ll keep admiring what you do. Works for me! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, don’t feel like you have to change anything. I was trying to be funny. 🙂 Honestly, I think reading about anything in the language of those who are most familiar with the thing is how we eventually grow in our knowledge and interest of that thing . Sometimes lay terms are helpful, but gaining the vocabulary of a thing (or activity) is how we truly begin to understand it. Until then, it’s fine for me to just enjoy the beauty of what is a bit of a mystery to me. There’s great freedom in just being an admirer. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. this project is particularly “yarn hungry” as it is two layers of fabric put together, but it is also quite long – you do eat into your stash with weaving faster than if knitting though!


  6. The fabric is certainly lovely. I know spinners who took to weaving as a way to use up yarn so I certainly feel your angst at the thought of losing yardage. Weaving is yarn greedy! But obviously worth it.


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